For Services Please Use These Extentions. This Web Site Is Not Monitored For Service And/Or Emergency Calls:
Police Emergency: x5911
VA Code Line: x3333
Police Service Calls: x2530
Thank you for visiting the VA Police, Brockton Division, web site. Brockton is one of three divisions under the Boston Healthcare System. The VA Police provide a wide range of law enforcement and community services for the Brockton VAMC. The VA Police are dedicated to the protection of our Nations veterans, Department of Veterans Affairs employees, visitors and all VA assets. Again, thank you for your visit and don't forget to sign our Guest Book.
You are the Unit to Respond since 4/27/02
This site is NOT endorsed by the U.S. Goverment, The Department of Veterans Affiars, or any other federal, state or local goverment agency. This site is an unofficial site of the V.A. Police Brockton.